61. - Joseph Campbell 62. Visit VH1.com to get the latest full episodes, bonus clips, cast interviews, and exclusive videos. - Shane Parrish 63. Neil Gaiman. Slowly at first. More short quotes. Then all at once. - Nick Hornby As a bioethicist, Peggy Battin fought for the right of people to end their own lives. “It takes courage to love, but pain through love is the purifying fire which those who love generously know. Get the latest slate of VH1 Shows! Charles Dickens Click to tweet. The pain of parting is nothing to the joy of meeting again. Eventually, people stop reaching out. Robert Greene. The stronger the love, the more the pain. When your sad - like really sad -- you only want to be with other people who are sad. Video. All I know, is IF I am capable of feeling deeper grief than I feel today, the Lord will have to hold me tighter. God bless each of you, who have loved and cared for any animal that he put into your life. Surely, he smiles down on you. Cesare Pavese . Love is the burning point of life, and since all life is sorrowful, so in love. Face your life, its pain, its pleasure, leave no path untaken. Life is pain and the enjoyment of love is an anesthetic. Move toward resistance and pain. I love my parents so dearly but grief and pain beyond what I feel/felt for my little canine souls is beyond my ability to imagine or comprehend. A Life-or-Death Situation.
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