GPU Support (Optional)¶ Although using a GPU to run TensorFlow is not necessary, the computational gains are substantial. Step 3: Install CUDA. pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow-gpu . This is a tricky step, and before you go ahead and install the latest version of CUDA (which is what I initially did), check the version of CUDA that is supported by the latest TensorFlow, by using this link.I have a windows based system, so the corresponding link shows me that the latest supported version of CUDA is 9.0 and its corresponding cuDNN version is 7. My preferred approach however would be to manage the dependencies using an environment.yml file. I am facing the same problem. conda install linux-64 v2.4.1; win-64 v2.3.0; To install this package with conda run: conda install -c anaconda tensorflow-gpu conda install tensorflow-gpu 安装过程中输入y就可完成安装,耐心等待即可。 5、解决Jupyer Notebook中import tensorflow报错:[No module named tensorflow] 安装tensorflow,在Anaconda Prompt命令行下的python中可以import tensorflow,但是到了Jupyer Notebook中,执行. conda update conda conda update anaconda then conda create -n py36 python=3.6 # first thing you do conda install tensorflow-gpu=1.15 # this install cudatoolkit=10.0 cudnn=7.6.5 and of course tensorflow-gpu=1.15 Now if you want to want to run tensorflow with eager execution then. $ conda install tensorflow=2.0 python=3.7 or $ conda install tensorflow-gpu=2.0 python=3.7 for the GPU version. Enter the following commands: activate tensorflow. import tensorflow as tf tf.enable_eager_execution() This makes tensorflow>=2.0.0 codes to run and even you … Before that, I tried to add path of cuda 11, and also use latest tf-nightly-gpu but they didn't work. Even Cuda 11 successfully working but tensorflow 2.3 looking cuda 10.1. Therefore, if your machine is equipped with a compatible CUDA-enabled GPU, it is recommended that you follow the steps listed below to install the relevant libraries necessary to enable TensorFlow to make use of your GPU. You can find examples of how to do this for TF2 and dependencies in these template repos that I created on GitHub. Install Tensorflow for GPU. 2.当你需要删除tensorflow package的时候,如果安装的时候是用pip安装的,那么删除的时候也要用pip。 同理,用conda安装的要用conda指令来删除。如下图,tensorflow-gpu,显示是用pip安装的(请见前面第五步有讲到安装过程,官网推荐是用pip安装。 Same problem and I solved it by uninstall tensorflow 2.3, and install tensorflow-gpu 2.0.0. 2.
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